limo for research
limo for research
custom-made formats and reliable strategies to give voice to your research
custom-made formats and reliable
strategies to give voice to your research
– documentary series
– animated films
– multimedia exhibitions
– series of brief researcher portraits
– photo covering
– video report of scientific events
– web documentaries and online
– feature-length documentaries
– radio stories
– and others to be invented

series of portraits - event video - 2022
The Marc Bloch Centre in Berlin is a long-standing partner of "Limo for Research". Over the past 10 years, we have produced numerous formats (videos presenting laboratories or scientific events, thematic exhibitions (physical or virtual), podcasts, animations) for this Franco-German institution, a key reference in the landscape of European social science research
The Marc Bloch Centre in Berlin is a long-standing partner of "Limo for Research". Over the past 10 years, we have produced numerous formats (videos presenting laboratories or scientific events, thematic exhibitions (physical or virtual), podcasts, animations) for this Franco-German institution, a key reference in the landscape of European social science research.

A series of animated videos and films - 2022
How to summarize and share the outcome of several years of research by multidisciplinary teams on a topic such as the impact of digitalization of work in India and Rwanda?
This was the challenge that GIZ and Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) set us, and which we have met through this series of videos, tailor-made in collaboration with the project team and local partners.
How to summarize and share the outcome of several years of research by multidisciplinary teams on a topic such as the impact of digitalization of work in India and Rwanda?
This was the challenge that GIZ and Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) set us, and which we have met through this series of videos, tailor-made in collaboration with the project team and local partners.

Multimedia platform - 2020 / 2023
What is the best format to communicate the wealth of research conducted by FRONTEM, a European initiative that involves eight European partners and one Canadian? For this project, which focuses on the perception of borders, we opted for a multimedia platform that combines photos, videos, texts, sounds and maps. It complements the work of the researchers with a documentary section on the five regions studied.
What is the best format to communicate the wealth of research conducted by FRONTEM, a European initiative that involves eight European partners and one Canadian? For this project, which focuses on the perception of borders, we opted for a multimedia platform that combines photos, videos, texts, sounds and maps. It complements the work of the researchers with a documentary section on the five regions studied.

Documentary Film - 2021
Conceived as an international platform, the Performance Lab brings together a community of researchers who are exploring contemporary issues that link embodiment, society and technology. The multidisciplinary team based at Grenoble Alpes University commissioned Limo for Research to produce a documentary film presenting their approach, inspired by Anglo-Saxon notions of Performance as Research, research creation, practice-led and based research.
Conceived as an international platform, the Performance Lab brings together a community of researchers who are exploring contemporary issues that link embodiment, society and technology. The multidisciplinary team based at Grenoble Alpes University commissioned Limo for Research to produce a documentary film presenting their approach, inspired by Anglo-Saxon notions of Performance as Research, research creation, practice-led and based research.

Video series - since 2020
Since 2001, the CNRS has relied on the Mission pour la Place des Femmes (MPDF), a body for the promotion, consultation and evaluation of the integration of gender issues into the institution's overall policies. In order to make its actions more visible, the CNRS asked Limo for Research to produce a series of videos and document scientific events.
Since 2001, the CNRS has relied on the Mission pour la Place des Femmes (MPDF), a body for the promotion, consultation and evaluation of the integration of gender issues into the institution's overall policies. In order to make its actions more visible, the CNRS asked Limo for Research to produce a series of videos and document scientific events.

Film - digital library - itinerant exhibition - 2021 / 2022
"La Grande Marche" is a documentary exploration of the historic heart of the European Union, produced by Atelier Limo within the context of Esch 2022 - European Capital of Culture. The different formats we created for this project (interactive database, documentary film, multimedia exhibition) are all suitable for conveying research work.
"La Grande Marche" is a documentary exploration of the historic heart of the European Union, produced by Atelier Limo within the context of Esch 2022 - European Capital of Culture. The different formats we created for this project (interactive database, documentary film, multimedia exhibition) are all suitable for conveying research work.

series of videos - interviews and photographic coverage- 2022
For several years now, Limo for Research has been supporting the Berlin University Alliance (an organisation that brings together the three universities of Berlin and the Charité research centre) in its mission to popularise and democratise knowledge: multidisciplinary debates, performances in the public space, educational workshops, a.s.f..All these activities are regularly documented in photo reports, interviews, video series, etc.
For several years now, Limo for Research has been supporting the Berlin University Alliance (an organisation that brings together the three universities of Berlin and the Charité research centre) in its mission to popularise and democratise knowledge: multidisciplinary debates, performances in the public space, educational workshops, a.s.f..All these activities are regularly documented in photo reports, interviews, video series, etc.

3 animated videos - Exhibition
TACT (Targeted Anti-Cancer Therapies) brings together academic and industrial institutions from different disciplines to train the next generation of scientists to fight cancer. This European consortium commissioned Limo for Research to create an exhibition and three educational videos covering the history of the fight against cancer, from Hippocrates to the most advanced immunotherapy technologies.
TACT (Targeted Anti-Cancer Therapies) brings together academic and industrial institutions from different disciplines to train the next generation of scientists to fight cancer. This European consortium commissioned Limo for Research to create an exhibition and three educational videos covering the history of the fight against cancer, from Hippocrates to the most advanced immunotherapy technologies.

Documentary Film
Documentary Film
Initiated by the Goethe Institute in Côte d'Ivoire, the "J'aime ma lagune" project brings together doctors, researchers, architects and artists to highlight the degradation of Abidjan's lagoon and propose solutions to protect and enhance this precious ecosystem. We were invited to be part of this awareness campaign with the production of this 30-minute documentary film.
Initiated by the Goethe Institute in Côte d'Ivoire, the "J'aime ma lagune" project brings together doctors, researchers, architects and artists to highlight the degradation of Abidjan's lagoon and propose solutions to protect and enhance this precious ecosystem. We were invited to be part of this awareness campaign with the production of this 30-minute documentary film.

Our approach
The originality of Limo for Research lies in the fusion of art, academia and media production to create innovative and diverse multimedia formats adapted to the specific requirements of research.
We also support you from the beginning of the application process by helping you develop dissemination strategies: which format offers the best way to reach your intended audience? What is the most appropriate publication schedule to communicate your research throughout the various project phases? Which channels will allow you to most effectively disseminate your research and maximize its impact?
Limo for Research is the ideal partner to support you in your international research projects such as ERASMUS+, ERC or HORIZON EUROPE.

The video is really remarkable. Thank you for delivering such impeccable work in a short timeline. It was wonderful working with you both. Its our busy period now and you really made us feel relaxed knowing the video was in good hands.
Anastasia Thomaides
Adviser for the Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance solutions
(GIZ GmbH)

“Thank you once more, this new website is a real flagship for cross-border storytelling!”
Melinda Benczi (Ms)
international relations coordinator
Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), Budapest

I would like to thank you very much for your great work, efforts and patience. We are very happy that despite the complex task, such great final products were created and had great pleasure in working with you!"
Fabiola Frick
Team EZM Zukunft der Arbeit,

Many thanks for your photos, which I find - as always - very successful.
Wiebke Hahn
Berlin University Alliance

The video is really remarkable. Thank you for delivering such impeccable work in a short timeline. It was wonderful working with you both. Its our busy period now and you really made us feel relaxed knowing the video was in good hands.
Anastasia Thomaides
Adviser for the Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance solutions
(GIZ GmbH)

The video is really remarkable. Thank you for delivering such impeccable work in a short timeline. It was wonderful working with you both. Its our busy period now and you really made us feel relaxed knowing the video was in good hands.
Anastasia Thomaides
Adviser for the Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance solutions
(GIZ GmbH)

Clients & Partners

Who we are
Limo for Research offers its clients and partners a highly qualified, creative and experienced team in the fields of research, communication and media.
Simon Brunel and Nicolas Pannetier are the studio’s two founders. Both of them hold an MA and a DPLG in Architecture in France and are former DAAD research fellows at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) in the Department of Visual Anthropology. As the directors of several films and web documentaries (including The Return of Frontiers, ARTE 2018), as well as photographers, writers, exhibition curators and organisers of travelling international events, Simon and Nicolas have been producing a wide range of formats since 2007.

Nicolas Pannetier / Simon Brunel
The team also relies on an international network of collaborators who intervene strategically according to the needs of the projects and the specific aspirations of our clients: illustrators, designers, computer programmers amd more.
Limo for Research
Brunel & Pannetier GbR
Franz-Mehring Platz 1
10243 Berlin (D)
Simon Brunel /
+49 151 701 443 72
Nicolas Pannetier /
+49 15 20 29 02 831
limo for research – Brunel & Pannetier GbR IMPRESSUM | DATENSCHUTZ